Ireland - USA News Headlines

There I was just toddling off to bed like the old man I've become and I did one last check of the online news and these three headlines caught my attention - It's late here and my warm milk and cookies awaits, so no time to put a proper post together but penny for your thoughts and kudos and a prize to who can sum it up in one sentence?

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  1. A transatlantic flight with Ryanair is just scary. Imagine, stuck in a seat that doesn't recline, with the stupid ads on the tray table and having to have the right change for even a bottle of water for over five hours!!! Truly frightening.

  2. Dude, haven't you seen The Devil's Own? Jeez.

    (I hope you realize this is a tongue-in-cheek answer!)

  3. I don't know much about polity, But I am interesting the news of low-cost airline, It seems the airline really has benefited from the deflation in oil prices.

  4. Ryanair all the way to the states sounds like absolute torture - Dublin to Kerry was bad enough - they'd want to be paying you to go transatlantic with them.

  5. I've never travelled on Ryanair and never intend to. I've read too many horrific stories about them.

    The Irish expulsions? Only 58 this year over the whole of the US. I don't think Irish residents should worry too much....

  6. "Rise in number of Irish deported from US"

    This country is only big enough for one heavy drinker and I'm next in line when Ted Kennedy visits the big pub in the sky.

  7. @Wandermom: Yeah 1 hour is bad enough but 7!

    @Megan: Yes - terrible movie!

    @iWalk: Stay well clear of Ryanair

    @Conortje: They'd need to be paying a lot

    @Nick: Sadly i've had to use them many times to save money but always regretted it

    @Broke: Teds shoes are big one's to fill - you sure you're up to it?

    @Frank: Irish and drinks like a fish! Remember the Alamo!

  8. Irish deported from US on Ryanair transatlantic flights - party of the year to commence thereafter! ;)

  9. Never been on Ryanair. Is it as fun as riding Southwest Airlines in the States?

  10. all I can say is I won't be volunteering for that first €10 flight to the US with that shower anyway

  11. @ VE: I like it but I'm going to change it slightly

    Irish wannabe Democrats get pished and fly to US on 10 euro flights and are promptly deported

    @ TCL: Worse - much worse!

    @ VE: I like it but I'm going to change it slightly

    Irish wannabe Democrats get pished and fly to US on Ryanair 10 euro flights and are promptly deported

    @ Xbox: Can't say I blame ya

  12. I had never heard of that airline before but at first glance it seemed like a decent enough deal if your trying to travel on a budget...however, after reading the comments and thinking about how awful it was to fly from Johannesburg to Paris on airfrance, I'm not sure I'd be able to handle anything worse than that!!


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