Passports with a Purpose

With the holiday season upon us it's easy to get wrapped up in the craziness of buying presents but it's also supposed to be about giving to those in need. The good folks over at Wanderlust and Lipstick came up with a great idea about tackling world poverty.

People who travel often gain more perspective about the world in general (not in a snobby - we're better than you way - but you see things first hand - things that make you reevaluate what's important).

Quite often, you see poverty, a lot of poverty. It's easy to distance yourself from poverty if you read about it in the newspaper or if it's on TV. Just click the channel and you can go from a famine in Ethiopia to watching really important stuff like Paris Hilton strike a pose at a nightclub or Britney shave her head or drop her kid again!. It's hard to ignore poverty if it's on your doorstep or on the side of the road as you take a bus

So the idea is for travel bloggers to help spread the word e.g. to those who travel vicariously thru their blogs. Click here and see how you can make a difference - buy a raffle ticket online for some great prizes and help make a difference to someones quality of life and don't forget to spread the word.

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  1. Nice idea Quickie. I'll buy a ticket!

  2. Nice idea man!! I'll check it out as well!

  3. Unfortunately I'm one of those people who's all too aware of the poverty and deprivation millions of people face everyday. I'm incapable of shutting it out. I really irritate people sometimes by pointing it out and taking the edge off their self-absorbed pleasure! But most governments seem incapable of taking poverty seriously - I think deep down they always think the poor bring it on themselves.

  4. Here here. I've seen it first hand! It's sad how much waste we here in the USA have. I've heard that it would take four planets to sustain that kind of living for the entire world population.

  5. I think it is a very good idea and I completely agree with you andw with what Nick said. BUT, I have a hard time with the idea that a spender should win something. Why not just give, and that's it?

  6. @Baino: Thanks for supporting

    @L o N: ditto above

    @Nick: glad to see someone keeping up with the news instead of Eastenders

    @VE: Scary the excesses we have become used

    @Fida: Fair point but sometimes a little encouragement helps and the winner can reraffle if they want

    @Matt: Word!

  7. Hey Quickroute, thanks for the plug!


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