Do You Like PENIS?

Snack Street, Beijing

I was asked the rather unusual question above on a visit to Beijing, China a few days ago. I was on a part business, part pleasure trip. More on the trip in a later post. A bunch of us visited the 'Snack Street' market on Sunday where they serve all sorts of weird food stuff on a stick like in the photos below.

Crickets on a stick -yummy!

Scorpions on a stick

Star Fish on a stick

Live scorpions on a stick

Grubs on a stick

More scorpions on a stick

Other tasty stuff on a stick

These eastern delicacies which were all impaled on a thin wooden stick included live scorpions which had been skewered and somehow managed to keep wriggling. They were dipped in hot oil for a minute before being served with a spicy sauce - yum...ouch!

More tasty stuff on a stick

Other treats included crickets, grubs (fat caterpillar type blobs), centipedes, sea snakes, beetles, silk worms, star fish and .....wait for it........sheep penis! - yes you heard right!


Always on the lookout for a good photo, I reached into my pants and pulled mine out (my camera that is!) and tried to focus on the woolly ones curly members on a stick (see above).

As I was snapping my picture, the stall vendor went into serious hard sell tactics and shouted and pointed directly at me - "YOU LIKE PENIS?"

I tried to ignore him and get a better picture but the more I ignored him, the more he pointed and the louder he shouted - "YOU WANT TRY PENIS?" - HEY MISTER - YOU LIKE PENIS?"

Needless to say the bunch of lads I was traveling with and everyone within a 20 meter radius found this hysterical so I retreated hastily with my tail/penis between my legs.

I never got to try penis and I probably never will - Not that there's anything wrong with trying penis!

Snack Street, Beijing, China

Tags: .. Snack Street Beijing China, Snack Street..

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  1. Okay, I am in hysterics. Best post yet.

  2. Awesome! Two thumbs up.

    What else did they have on a stick. I thought fried bugs is mostly a Thai thing?

  3. I tried to laugh but was too busy gagging! Tell me you didn't eat any of that stuff? Then I suspect there's a fair bit of penis in sausages.

  4. @ Trina: Thanks, glad you liked it

    @ TCL: They had 'normal' stuff like beef, chicken and fish too

    @ Baino: I tried some squid but that was as adventurous as I got

    @ Fida: Ditto

    @ Maxi: So does yours

  5. Jaysus, yer man Bear Grylls would be in heaven there.

  6. Shouldn´t this post have been titled DICK ON A STICK ?

  7. That was the perfect opportunity to pull a 'crocodile dundee' moment...

    'That's not a penis...'

  8. Bugs on sticks look even more revolting than bugs in the flesh. No way would I find those appetising unless I hadn't eaten in six months.

  9. @ Thrifty: definitely up his street

    @ Ken: LOL - wish I'd thought of that

    @ Xbox: I can safely say mine is bigger

    @ Nick: It was like one of those awful reality shows where they make the contestants eat bugs except here you pay and do it voluntary

    @ Stevo: Interesting CV you're compiling there!

  10. Hilarious.
    Love your eye for a good photo - and a good story.

  11. You were right, this is worst than the canned meats I had on my blog. I don't know..the wifey-poo is always saying there's nothing like a good penis sometimes. I don't think this is what she had in mind though...

  12. @ VE: ha ha - make sure wifey is kept happy!


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