Which TV programs do you watch?

Which TV programs do you watch? I asked a similar question on Facebook recently and it brought back responses from friends that they watch much of the same stuff I already watch and a few more I still need to research.

What has changed drastically for me is 'HOW' I watch TV. Despite the fact there is a large flat screen TV in the apartment with a ridiculous amount of cable channels, I would say that 90% of the TV I watch is downloaded and watched on my PC or more recently a digital photo frame (used like a second monitor) connected to my PC (since I only have a small netbook screen). I could get fancy and hook up the PC to the flat screen TV but then it would be more difficult to surf and watch :-(

I used to just couch surf up and down the endless choice of mindless crap.  I would flick to another channel as soon as the ads interrupted. Then I got a Replay TV (same as Tivo only better) and recorded my favs and fast forwarded thru the ads.  Now it's just easier to download the latest episode or an entire series online without adverts.

I no longer need to worry whether or not I'm subscribed to a particular channel. I can automate most of the process using a few simple programs which I outlined in a previous post here.

The list below is what I've been watching recently - Links to where you can download included - What about you? - What floats your boat on TV? Do you watch downloads or online or old school cable, satelite or over the air?

.....and don't forget to vote in the poll below!

Tags: ..Which TV programs do you watch?..

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  1. At the moment for me its Supernatural, Smallville, Dollhouse, Fringe, Heroes, Flashforward, Castle.

    Haven't got round to watching season 3 of Dexter yet, and waiting for the new season of 24 to start.

  2. I am not subscribed to any channels. I have a small tv to watch the occasional dvd i rent or buy - i have a nice collection of movies that i watch once in a while (a forgetful mind helps - grin). I do watch the occasional docu on my notebook! screen. I just can't stand and don't have the time to watch north american channels with their constant interruption of ads - and since we have no say in what channels we want to subscribe - I don't.

  3. @ Ken: I never been a big Smallville or Supernatural fan

    Fringe is just not cutting it this season for me

    Heroes is going down hill fast

    Flash Forward may have to try again - watched the 1st episode but was not impressed

    Downloading Dollhouse and Castle to try as I type

    @ Fida: I think traditional tv with ads is doomed just like newspapers

  4. The only things I've been watching recently are 30 Rock, House, Grey's Anatomy and Spooks (possibly one of the best things on UK telly IMO). Keep meaning to watch True Blood though...

  5. eztv is a good source for the us shows. box.bz is great for all the uk shows. will send you an invite if you don't already have one.

  6. @ Xbox: I watched it a few times - didn't grab me though - I must try it again

    @ Pogoism: Thnx - I'll check out Spooks

    @ Jack: Yep - the links above are all from ezTV. Thanks for the box.bz invite - ou should try www.uknova.com aswell

  7. Mad Men
    Nurse Jackie
    United States of Tara
    Flash Forward
    Modern Family
    Venture Bros

  8. @ Jack: thnx - I'm trying some of these now

  9. Gawd hardly know any of these. I started watching Dexter but they put it on late (only have free to air). The first season of True Blood has finished so I'm waiting for the next (watched that on DVD) and I watch the Daily Show via the net but frankly, apart from the news, anything David Attenborough and the odd movie, I really don't watch much at all anymore. Now that it's 'summer programming' read 'awful American crime series' there's just no reason to sit in front of the idiot box except to play Guitar Hero! Oh I stuck with Lost for four seasons . . .then just got bored. Is it still going?

  10. @ Baino: One more 'Final' series of Lost coming in Feb - You play Guitar Hero? - now there's a good use for the 'idiot box' ;-)

  11. Fringe
    Lost (when it comes back)
    Heroes (up until mininova got mugged)
    Bones (the wife is a fan)
    Lie to me
    Top Gear

    I'm sure there is more. If you can find any old episodes of BBC's "Waking the Dead" that's well worth a watch.

  12. Jeez, you watch a hell of a lot of TV. I watch very little, I prefer to read. The only one of those I've seen is The Daily Show! Otherwise I only watch news programmes, documentaries and the odd film or sitcom. I love Nurse Jackie.

  13. @ Thrifty: Fringe reminds me of X-Files when it started unfortunately both went downhill quickly

    You can get Heroes and lots more from eztv.com

    @ Nick: I should read more - but I love to surf n' watch - it's addictive

  14. In Spain we used to have regular TV and would watch whatever came on since everything was dubbed and my Hubby needed the language practice. When we got to Australia and tried to watch some of the shows like house we decided we didn't like the characters/shows in English. I tried Aussie shows for a while, but I have gone back to reading.

  15. @ Maya: I hear ya on returning to books - may do same once this viewing binge tapers off

  16. That list is pretty close to mine although I am boycotting True Blood for no particular reason except I'm effing sick of Vampires...something I thought I would NEVER say...

    Merry Christmas, Paddy!

  17. I watch how i met your mother, lost, family guy, and californication, and true blood


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