No Butts About It!

Nice view of the Brooklyn Bridge, NYC......'butt' look closer ....

Dude.... WTF.....That ain't pretty - wear some frikkin' REAL pants....PLEASE!

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  1. It that a yellow g-string? Brave man, he'd get beaten up here unless he was on a gay beach

  2. No gay beach there. Is that the middle of DUMBO Quickroute?

  3. @ Baino: He deserves to be beaten up or locked up with that fashion sense

    @ TCL: Yes it's the new park that just opened at DUMBO

  4. I agree, not a pretty sight!

  5. G´wan outta that. That´s you chap. I recognise your backpack.

  6. Ha! That is not what you want to see... ever!


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