The End of the ROAD

They say 'All good things come to an end' and so it is with this 1 month trip of Central America. In hindsight, 8 countries in 4 weeks was a little ambitious and I didn't get to see everything I wanted but I came pretty darn close.

Bogota wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, except for getting sandwiched between tear gas wielding riot police and rock throwing protesters (Link). Northern Colombia is beautiful and the people are very friendly except one 'bad girl'.

Watching huge ships navigate the Panama canal is a humbling experience. It truly is a wonder of the world. Zipping around on water taxis is a way of life in Bocas del Torro. (Link)

The beaches in Costa Rica are great but only if you're into surfing. We had a great time when our skipper brought us chasing a school of dolphins who entertained us for a bout 15 minutes. (Link)

Getting caught in the first torrential downpour of 'rainy season' in Nicaragua was quite an experience, as was being covered by a million flies who hatched the day after! (Link)

When people in El Salvador say they want to 'ride shotgun' they really mean it! Even lil' ol' Grandma packs a Colt 45 in this place! (Link)

The West Bay beach on Roatan is probably the nicest I've ever seen and the snorkeling is out of this world. (Link)

The cayas of Belize are beautiful and the people would be horizontal if they were any more laid back. (Link)

The Mayan ruins of Tikal in the middle of the jungle look like something out of a Indiana Jones movie. The quiet, colourful, clean city of Antigua is practically therapeutic. (Link)

I can safely say, I've had enough of buses for a while. It was a relief that I didn't suffer too much from 'squirt alert'! All in all, it was a fantastic trip.

Next stop, the lotto shop to buy some tickets so when I win, I can become a permanent professional bum!


  1. Hey Quickie, enjoyed travelling vicariously with you . . your pics and ClareBear's great DVD of the gringo trail were wonderful. Even DrummerBoy is toying with the idea of an adventure tour in South America and his idea of an overseas trip is a week of beer, massage and jet skis in Thailand!

  2. Baino: DrummerBoy should definitely do the trip although there may not be jet skis!

  3. That was quite a holiday. Some fantastic pics. Now you'll need a week or two to recover from the excitement, the exhaustion, the bodily malfunctions, the flies, the buses and the incredible sights!

  4. Hell of a journey, don't knock it.

    Just a dream for lots of folk.

    Where to next then?

  5. Jeez, I just get here and it's over? Guess I'll be reading some archives.

    Q, I am trying to add you to my blogroll but Google is not letting me for some reason. Just wanted to let you know the intention is there...

  6. it's over! nooo!! keep going so I have stuff to read!

  7. Nick: Right on the money - i need a holiday from my holiday!

    Xbox: Not knocking it! - It was a 4 week trip of a lifetime!

    Megan: Don't worry the trip is over but the adventure continues! -p.s. I will add you to my blogroll too.

    Nomadic Matt: I seem to have given a few people the notion that everything is over but thankfully not - just the central america tour - stay tuned for more!

  8. shame your adventure concludes , I was getting all wistful there. So it's back to BA with you then is it? Will you ever get a proper job and settle down you bum? :D

  9. Shaunj: Yes - back to B.A. and unfortunately yes I plan on rejoining the rat race soon :=((

  10. Kurt: Thanks and Welcome - Be sure to come back for more!

  11. Howya Quickie. So you are living in the original continent where the first experiments in Laissez faire capitalism were forced through then? Must read the rest of your blog to gather your impressions.

  12. Thriftcriminal: Thanks for stopping by and yes they've tried a bit of everything here including dictatorships!

  13. The original Juntas were put in place to force through Chicago School economic policies. Nice blog, I'll be back :-)

  14. Perfect timing for this trip...gets me primed for my trip to Belize and Guatemala next week. You've got me beat in Central America, my friend, I have a number of countries still to visit but I'm getting there. Next spring it's off to Polynesia...

  15. VE: I hope you have a great trip. You are by far the most travelled yank I know of!

  16. Well done, you guys covered some serious ground!

  17. Jamie: Thanks - A lot of ground is an understatement - pity there ain't frequent bus-er points!


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