Bailando por un Sueno - Argentina

The economic situation in Argentina is much worse than previously reported. Don't expect to see this reported on CNN, BBC, Sky or Fox News as this is an exclusive.

I previously reported on the food shortages due to the farmers strike but what I've recently uncovered is much more serious. Although there has been no official comment from the government or the mainstream media here, I have obtained irrefutable proof of the seriousness of the economic situation.

Having personally reviewed hundreds of hours of raw footage from the most popular TV show in Argentina - Bailando por un Sueno, I have discovered the most shocking of facts, that when brought to light will have serious ramifications both financially and politically, here in Buenos Aires and far beyond. This is a Paddy in Buenos Aires exclusive newsflash.

Clothing in Argentina is now in critically short supply. The poverty stricken individuals below highlight the seriousness of the issue. The shocking plight of these poor souls is broadcast 24/7 on TV. I've been so moved by this travesty, I can barely get a wank of sleep. Rest assured, I will continue to monitor the situation VERY closely and keep you posted.

Some images below may be disturbing to some viewers.

Dangling on the poverty line

Poor girl can't afford material and paints her clothes on

Poor critter could only afford 1/3 of the skirt

I also uncovered further proof of individuals being stripped of their bare necessities below.

The following videos are rated PG (Perverts Galore!)

This is Paddy in Buenos Aires for Bloggers Anonymous and now back to Dick in the studio.
Tags: Bailando por un Sueno Argentina, Sexy Argentine chicas, women argentina,Bailando por un sueƱo (Argentina),

tv argentina


  1. OH MY GOD . . .wrong in SO many ways! And I thought Aussie censorship was light . . .no wonder you're not getting a 'wank' of sleep! I so wish I spoke Spanish, didn't understand a word they said other than .. Nooo, Awwww Nooooo. Some of those blokes are lucky they didn't get their eyes poked out! And it's brought tea bagging to a whole new level!
    (Wish I could dance without my boobs or bum wobbling!) . . . I await the comments with baited breath!

  2. Clothes are pretty scarce in Britain too, particularly in London and the desperately deprived Soho and Redlight districts. In one house I offered the semi-naked girls some clothes to help out but they looked at me as if I was mad. I guess they're just too proud to accept charity. They reluctantly accepted a few banknotes though (but then they kept saying 20 wasn't enough). How heart-wrenchingly sad it all is.

  3. In fairness, no disrespect to the average Oirish cailin, but I hope the recession doesn't hit that bad back home...

  4. The ladies actually walking the streets wear much more than that.

    I'm guessing that the advertising execs are stealing from the wardrobe accounts. But I'm sure it's all in the interest of good TV.

  5. @ Baino: No need to speak the lingo - A picture speaks a thousand words!

    @ Maxi: got it in one

    @ Nick: I once visited those poor lost sould in Soho and left much lighter in the pocket

    @ Xbox: It won't be long before this show hits the homeland - only a few hundred more years.

    @ Megan: The ladies walking the streets and these ladies are related me thinks

  6. Is the UN aware that the economic crisis has caused national supplies of self-esteem to plummet so low?

    Thanks for your comments on the Olympic blogging. You will likely be spared coverage of the Winter Olympics in 2010 in Argentina.

  7. social crisis and moral crisis always together with economic crisis.:(

  8. I really liked this post and have viewed it more than once now

  9. @Trooper: I'm nominating myself as the UN ambassador to deal with this issue.

    @iwalk: How true you are

    @Roy: I am still reviewing it regularly myself

  10. Ha ha ha. Brilliant. I love it when you give us exclusives with photos and videos. I can really feel for the situation there. No...really...can I feel?

  11. ooooooo the humanity. i might have to head to Argentina to help with the relief mission. :)

    good work reporting this issue. it's important for everyone to know about!!

    ps- Sorry I have been MIA. Traveling didn't give me enough time to check blogs!!!! I'm back now though!!!

  12. an arse that could crack a nut. now I understand.

  13. @ VE: Yes you can feel the love!

    @ Matt: These poor girls need all the help I can give them

    @ Shaunj: nut crackers most definitely

  14. Is the UN informed?? Where can we donate? At least we have to solidarize with these people and refuse wearing to much clothes;)



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