SHIT !!!!

Imagine owning, working or dealing with this company?

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  1. haha...I LOL'd...not quite as hard as I did about your misfortune with tea..

  2. I should have had that sign outside the last place I worked.

  3. Hilarious! Is this in BA? if so, where?

  4. I see my company has expanded abroad then,

  5. hahahaha!! I wonder if they did this on purpose.

  6. As you probably know, one option for renaming the RUC was the Northern Ireland Police Service, but the abbreviation was a bit laughable, not to mention racist, so it became the PSNI instead.

  7. Oh hey, I know a lot of businesses here in the States that could easily use this acronym. I used to work for one...but not for long.

    By the way, do you use the new inline comment form (you know, the one at the bottom of all the comments?) If so, it seems to be missing. Nothing but a big blank space.

    We've got to get you on a WordPress platform. :D

  8. @Huey Mei: Got it in one - Thanks for dropping in

    @Megan: Can't argue with that

    @Nick: LOL - I hadn't heard that - very funny

    @Kirk M: I think you could apply this acronym to alotta companies recently.

    Yes my comment box is a bit messed up - WordPress is somewhere in the future I hope - You're a bit of an expert from what I've heard so I'll be knocking on your door!

  9. We got the train to Switzerland once and the company was called FART. The guy going around in the luminous jacket with FART proudly written across the back couldn't understand why we kept cracking up at the sight of him.


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