A Man's gotta Poo when a Man's gotta Poo!

It's been pissin' rain for four days so I've not been out much and cabin fever had hit me in a bad way. Even though it was still raining this morning, I couldn't stay indoors any longer so headed out for a hike to the hills in between scattered showers. After my daily porridge and coffee, I'm as regular as a 'clockwork prune' so I'd already taken care of business before I left.

15 minutes into the hike, I started to feel an uncontrollable urge to poo again. Now I can normally hold onto doing the business until a suitable opportunity presents itself but this was one of those emergencies. It was like movie 'Alien' where the extra'turd'esstrial creature just wants to escape its host. I was practically in poo labour. No matter how much I huffed and puffed, I couldn't slow the bowel contractions and this bundle of poo was going to be delivered with or without my consent.

My options were simple -

a.) Step off into the bushes and let rip and hope the leaves I used weren't poison ivy
b.) Try and hold on as best I could but more than likely unload in my pants

After holding on to all my shite with all my might, I rounded a corner and to my absolute delight (not meant to rhyme) and complete relief, I spotted a toilet.
If this had been a hike anywhere else in the world, I would most likely have been doomed (up shit creek as it were) but in Hong Kong, thankfully you can find public toilets in the middle of the wilderness with toilet paper - I love this city!

Photo: Poo in the Wilderness (ok so wasn't the ACTUAL toilet I found but you get the sense of relief!)

Tags: .A Man's gotta Poo when a Man's gotta Poo!, Hong Kong toilets..

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HELP - I've lost my Blogging Mojo!

The facts from an Irish blogger git who has sadly lost his way:
  • I've been posting less and less bloggy stuff.
  • I'm at a loss for stuff to waffle about, not that there ain't stuff goin' on.
  • I've been finding it difficult to make time to visit other blogs.
  • When I do visit other blogs - I'm lost for inspiration on what to leave as a comment.

This blog started as Paddy in BA (aka Buenos Aires).
Life thows some curve balls so now I find myself in Hong Kong and hence the blog has now morphed into 'Paddy in Buenos Asia'.

I started the blog as a way to capture (for my own record) the adventure of a Irish bum in South America. The blog sort of took on a life of it's own when one day a random stranger left a comment. This threw me for a loop - Wait! people not only read blogs but comment too?

Thus began my immersion into blogging where I discovered there is a sub culture of peeps out there who blog regularly and read and comment on other blogs. I've actually met and befriended good people thru the blog. In fact no regrets and no negative interactions there apart from that Nigerian prince who needed my help to claim his family fortune!

For some there is a bit of a blogger currency of you comment on my blog and I'll comment on yours (a category I find myself guilty of :-( - honest but not proud of that) but for others they just have the need to express and/or be acknowledged and more power to them I say.

Whatever the reason I think blogging is great - period...but..

It seems I've just lost my blogging mojo right now so would appreciate if you could email embarrassing photos of your friends and relatives I can post up here and leverage (i.e. they will pay to retrieve)

Maybe I am homesick? - ah yes I miss home, the weather etc etc etc!

Photo: Lovely Irish Weather
Tags: .HELP - I've lost my Blogging Mojo!..

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The Sign of the Times

It seems there are lots of rules in Hong Kong. Some are written, some are unwritten and some are posted on signs. I like the visual signs. A picture says a thousand words etc. I've been a man of few words recently (thank Jaezuz says you) so to continue that theme - here is a selection of a few pics I've snapped recently. So without further ado or verbal diarrhea here's my pics!

p.s. Today is my birthday so the drinks are on YOU (check final photo and you'll see what I mean!)

Tags: .birthday..

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WTF - Someone just left a 20,391 word comment / essay on my Blog?

What the F$%K?

It's always gratifying when someone spends time to visit your wee ol' blog and even more so if they are courteous and sometimes more fun if they are NOT and leave some feedback by way of a comment. It makes me all warm n' fuzzy inside to know somebody knows I exist on the webosphere and somehow (probably accidentally) stumbled upon my sorry arse excuse for a rant and a vent and a chat.

About five minutes ago, I received a comment on an old blog post about that thieving bastard Bono (of U2 fame) who stole my tent - TRUE FRIKKIN' STORY B.T.W. (court case pending so I can't divulge anymore at the mo). Not only did this commenter have a few words to say about my blog topic - they had 20,391 words to say to be exact - and NOT the mindless incoherent nonsense with links that a spammer would usually leave.

You may now visit comment #30 and read for yourselves. Feel free to write an executive summary.


Advance to comment #30 on the above link or just look for the book and soon to be movie coming to a theatre near you!

Tags: .WTF - Someone just left a 21,391 word comment / essay on my Blog?..

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How and Why to Jailbreak the Apple iPhone 3G

I'm a self confessed gadget freak. I can spend hours browsing in electronic shops drooling over the next gadget I'd like to own. I've owned various different electronic organisers over the years (yet managed to maintain a respectable level of tardiness) and until recently was a die hard Palm devotee. Smart phones are great for reducing the clutter in your pocket (phone, organiser, MP3 player, camera - all in one) so I was happy with my trusty Palm Treo 650 for years until it started to have battery trouble recently. I decided to splurge on the latest 16GB Apple iPhone 3G. In Hong Kong most mobile phones are sold unlocked i.e. you're not forced to stick with one carrier on a lengthy contract as in the USA. Furthermore you can get a month to month contract with PCCW mobile which is great if like me you don't know exactly how long you'll be sticking around but you want a data plan so you can surf the net and check email on the fly. (Month to Month not to be confused with 'prepaid' or 'pay as you go' although you can get those too but they have no data plan) For $110HK (11 Euros or 9GBP or u$d14) per month I get 600 minutes of out of network talk time 600 minutes of in network talk time 60MB of data (GPRS) Free in network SMS 60 MMS 60 minutes Video calls

I can cancel the month to month contract with 30 days notice and no penalty! I was immediately impressed by the core functionality of the phone and checking emails and surfing the web on the go was super fast.  Battery life is not great and requires a recharge practically everyday. The selection of over 23,000 apps you can add from the iTunes Store is mind boggling albeit some of these apps are pretty crap and some just add functionality which arguably should come shipped with the iPhone.
This brings us to an important issue. The iPhone comes shipped and out of the box with features that are blocked or purposefully not enabled. That's like buying a car where the engine automatically cuts out if you go above 50kms an hour. People have developed apps to turn on some of these features but since Apple vets and approves every app in the iTunes Store none of these are accessible thru 'legitimate' means. So if you want to get the full functionality for your iPhone (e.g. use it as a video recorder, running apps in the background, changing the look n' feel and adding apps that Apple doesn't approve of because they'd rather you buy them etc) you have to use a process known as 'jailbreak'. If your iPhone is locked to a specific carrier you can also unlock using a program called Yellowsn0w. This link here explains the jailbreak process in detail and the nice part is you can always restore your phone to its original state and hence maintain its warranty using this link here

Note: 'Unlocking' and 'Jailbreaking' are 2 completely different processes so read the links above carefully. So 'how you like them apples?'

Tags: .How and Why to Jailbreak the Apple iPhone 3G..

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We Want WAR! - We Want WAR!

Saturday morning, a group of 25 of us headed by bus to the outskirts of Hong Kong (New Territories) to play 'War Games' aka 'Paintball'. We split into teams of two and spent the next 7 hours hiding behind trees and barrels, clambering thru bushes and dirt, shooting each other with machine guns that fire small white pellets, which is surprisingly and perhaps disturbingly satisfying, but can also be painful.

You get suited up in camouflage gear and protective head wear but a couple of direct hits can take its toll as the photos will demonstrate. This was only my second time playing but it's an absolute blast (literally) and I can't wait to go again although my limbs and joints and other bits are aching more than expected today.

I think it should be mandatory for wayward politicians and corrupt corporate execs to be left to fend for themselves on one of these paintball courses. Fuck 'community service' and 'slap on the wrist' meaningless fines. Just give us a few hours to pelt the feckers with pellets and teach 'em a lesson!

If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend it. My only complaint is I now have about a dozen extra nipple shaped bruises on my back! - Pics posted below - last few are rated PG.

Tags: .war games paintball hong kong..

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