Broken Laptop :-((

Okay - so it's not as bad as the one above but I get a cryptic message about a missing or corrupt file and the mother sucker just hangs in limbo. There ain't too many laptop repair shops in the remote corners I'm traveling so normal service will hopefully resume shortly.

I'm starting to wonder what we all did before computers, internet, skype, facebook etc.

Thankfully the beer is cold, cheap and plentiful...oh wait that's what we did (drrrink!) before technology arrived. Now we just do it at the same time!

Tags: ..Broken Laptop..

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  1. Oh nooooo . . . at least a newbie will be cheap over there!

  2. i've wanted to do that to mine SO MANY times. Hope you get it sorted soon!

  3. I'd've either been incredibly suppressed and wound up like my mother, or miles better off than I am now.

    The fact I live in Longford means the first option was a dead cert.

    Get virtually well soon.

  4. @ Baino: - cheap to replace the pc but not the data :-(

    @ Conortje: - Thanks - head-butt the laptop is a common desire

    @ B: Thanks - Longford eh - I've never been but will one day!


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