Is there a Doctor in the house?

I'm finally back in civilization so taking my laptop to the PC Doctor later today.

Wish me lucky 'long-time!' - Happy Endings and all that good stuff!

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  1. Good luck with your PC. The above doctor could fix my PC or anything else. hehe.

  2. Ah, that must be your IT technician. But can she do the job? I hope you've checked all her qualifications thoroughly.

  3. Great. Now I have to change my underwear because of that picture.

  4. @ Stevo - Thanks - She does the biz alright

    @ Nick - I might have to dig deeper

    @ Growup - You were due a change anyway since you only change once a week ;-)

    @ Megan - I think she may work in windows

  5. Sounds like you had quite the interesting Indonesia trip. I too took a quick one there once. I fortunately didn't have to arrive from the airport though so I avoided all the bribery and such.

  6. @VE: I'll stick to boat and land from now on!


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