Track Changes to your Credit Report for only $5

If you are maximizing your points by applying for credit cards (which I recommend for those with good credit) then you need to keep track of your credit reports by the 3 major credit bureaus. This helps you keep track of when someone has checked your credit report to determine your credit worthiness e.g. a bank will do this when you apply for a credit card.  If you have too many inquiries then you should hold off on applying until some time has passed. 

This is a schedule detailing the points I have earned (mostly via credit cards) - Use the scroll bars below or click here .

Many companies offer a service to notify you when your credit report has changed and will normally charge you between $13 to $30 per month for the service.

Citi offer a service here to monitor all 3 credit reports for $12.95 per month.

 but if you use this link it's only $4.95 per month (note: I don't receive anything for you using this link - it's a discount for those in the know and available to everyone - enjoy!

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Free Netflix Movies / TV

This is such a simple hack it's almost too good to be true.  Netflix offers 2 plans in the USA and mostly just 1 (streaming) overseas.

1.) DVD via post or.. 
2.) Unlimited Online streaming.

After sign-up - the online streaming requires you to login with an email address and password.
You can can login on multiple devices at the same time.  Here's the hack. If you or a friend has signed up for access, each of you can 'borrow' the login & pw and both of you can enjoy the service at the same time. Many streaming services limit you to just one device but good ol' Netflix has no such limit.  Try it and see.  Also check out my posts on other free Netflix alternatives here and here

Check out the rest of my travel hacking tips here.

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Paddy n' B-A-B-Y

I've been a wee bit tied up with a new arrival in our household.  This young man arrived earlier this week and is likely to keep me busy for a while. I can't complain however as he's a pleasure to deal with!

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$10 per month Unlimited Data from AT&T

This hack has been around for some time and is still going strong.  Most carriers are no longer offering unlimited data but it is still possible to get in on the deal.  The USA has a very restrictive cell phone market.  If you want a smart phone (Blackberry, iPhone, Android etc) so you can browse the web and check email you typically get locked into a 2 year contract and have to pay ~$30 per month for a limited data plan. This amounts to $720 over 24 months and doesn’t even include the price of making phone calls or texting which is another $30 to $60 per month. Compared to other countries in Asia and Europe this is extortionate.

There is an option with AT&T to get a dumb phone data plan which is designed for phones with basic email/internet functionality. The data plan is unlimited however and called medianet and costs from only $10 - $15 per month depending on if you combine a texting (sms) plan. 

The hack works by first signing up for medianet with a dumb phone.  You may need to borrow a dumb phone if you don’t have one or buy a cheap phone on ebay for ~$20.  The second part of the hack requires you to swap the SIM card you used in step 1 to a phone which is not listed in the AT&T database as a smart phone . A list of these can be found in numerous forums e.g. XDA. The current smart phone of choice is the unlocked Google Nexus (purchased direct from Google) – Congrats! – you now have an unlimited data plan for $10 per month. – Enjoy the savings!

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Travel Hacking - Tip #28 - American Express Bonus for Mall Gift Cards

Go to one of these malls - buy a $50 mall gift card with your synced AMEX card - get a $10 statement credit. Repeat steps for each Amex card you own - e.g. stock up now on Xmas gift cards for your local mall - I love AMEX!

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