Go ahead Punk - Make My Day

Thriftcriminal is getting revenge for me making him queasy in my previous post and so he tagged me with this meme

If you had to select celebrities/actors to play the parts in the story of your life today (including yourself!), who would it be and why - can be based on looks or personality!


  • List the people who would play you and all involved
  • Give credit to the person who tagged you
  • Link your answers to the original blog (trackback?)
  • Nominate four more people to have a go

Me: Clint Eastwood (I'm the strong silent type but push me too far and feel my wrath)

My missus: Salma Hayek (she has that whole Latin temperament to boot)

My brothers: (they ain't heavy) Withnail & I - Marwood (Paul McGann) and Withnail (Richard E Grant) a troublesome pair if ever there was one.

My Sis: Janis Joplin (not an actress I know) but a musical genius like big sis

My folks: Ma and Pa Walton (hardworking and wholesome)

I now have to tag 4 others so here goes:

VE with your creative talents this should be a sinch!

Conortje - your already famous so this will be easy!

- you're just back from boasting about your holidays - this'll fix ya!

Primalsneeze - I'm expecting lots of corny puns

Withnail and I,Go ahead Punk - Make My Day, What is a blog meme?


  1. Crikey, those are two scary lookin' brothers! Mine would kneecap me if I suggested they looked like that!

  2. I hate to disappoint your Quickness, but I do neither tags nor memes. Corporate policy decided long ago at a night-long board meeting in Sneezey Towers. I slept through most of it so other stuff could have been decided I don't know about.

    ps. Withnail & I = Best movie ever

  3. You rotter! As if I'm not busy enough running my fan club, visiting the beautician, negotiating contracts with the top film companies etc. And now a meme to think about! Perhaps I'll get my PA to do it. Actually I seem to remember being a party to the corporate policy at Sneezey Towers. But I'll give it a thought when I've got five minutes to spare....

  4. Mmmmm Salma, I still have visions of her in Dusk til Dawn, dancing and pouring beer down her leg. What a beer delivery mechanism! :-)

  5. I'm curious about your musical genius sister!

  6. Fool. You have NO IDEA to what I'll apply this to! Ok, neither do I but I will warn you...I use these for my amusement and I will bend the rules. Look for this on Thursday or Friday depending on how big of an effort I turn it into.

  7. @ Baino: Do you know the movie 'Withnail & I'? - absolute classic!

    @ Primal: Wish I had one of those policies myself - may have to convene an emergency board meeting.

    @ Nick: Maybe you can include your PA and beautician in the cast!

    @ Thrifty: This would be that scene link here

    @ Xbox: big sis was one of those musically gifted kids but is quite happy to just play a sesh down the local diddly idle now

    @ VE: oooh I like the sound of this! can't wait!

  8. Oh dear!! What did I start here, but having said that it is all good tho I am a bit scared of the look in your brother's eyes!
    Nice mum and dad!!! ;-)

  9. Nice picks and I look forward to VE's as well.

  10. I'd have Hugh Laurie play me. Someone told me that he looks somewhat like me which was a refreshing chnage from Frodo the hobbit. Actually I'd like this character Dr House to play me :-)

  11. I followed the link. That's the scene alright. Can't stand up now. Still haven't changed out of cycling gear.

  12. @ Kate: Aha! So I have you to blame for all this. ever heard of kharma?!!!!

    @ Megan: Thanks - looking forward to VE's too

    @ Conortje: Frodo sounds better to me - We'll get much more mileage out of it :-)

    @ Thrifty: tap it with a cold spoon!

  13. i keep see this meme's all over the web lately...it's a new trend...still don't get them....

  14. Kharma? are we time travelling here?
    @ Matt - I don't understand either it started as a drunken thought and it just escalated! Can't fault it tho - its quite funny now!!!!!

  15. @ Nomadic Matt:It's the blog version of 'Tag your it!'

    @ Kate:My crystal ball tells me you could have a few more meme's in your future!

  16. mmmmm you are a bit of a fortune teller? Make them fun ones!!!!

  17. QR: You're married to Salma? Blimey, I'd never go out (and I'm a girl!!) x

  18. @Kate: I'm just teasing - sort of! :-)

    @EM: It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it!

  19. Kudos to VE for his follow thru on this meme or themthem as he likes to call them!

  20. Okay, meme done. A bit skimpy I'm afraid but an interesting mix of stars! And my agent tells me it's a sure-fire blockbuster.

  21. @Nick: Interesting mix indeed - from almost royalty to commoners!


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