Corruption Perceptions Index - Ireland ranks #16

The annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) ranks 180 countries by their perceived levels of corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys.

According to the latest CPI, Ireland and UK rank #16 (lower numbers are better)
Denmark had the best score #1 with Argentina coming in at an abysmal #109 and worst of the bunch was Somalia at #180

I'm actually pretty surprised at the how well Ireland ranks considering the crooks that run the country and the Godfather of them all (Bertie) who had to step aside recently amid numerous scandals. 

I realise it's not just corruption in politics that's measured but how many backhanders go to county council officials for helping planning permission to go thru etc. 

If Ireland is #16 how bad must it be in the other places?
Argentina #109 ranks worse than Rwanda #102?

Link to the data is here
Thanks to the Argentine Post for the heads up

Tags: Corruption Perceptions Index, Argentina, Ireland,Trancparency International

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  1. Lies, damn lies and statistics, eh? It all depends what criteria you use to measure corruption. It seems pretty unbelievable to me too given the entrenched brown envelope and law-dodging culture down south.

  2. USA at # 18, I'm shocked, the number should be a LOT higher than that. Bush anyone!!

  3. Ah, but Somalia is producing pirates to fight global warming :


  4. Doesn't surprise me.

  5. @Nick: They must've sent to surveys to the crooks

    @L o N: I find #18 hard to believe too

    @Thrifty: Ahoi Matey - Green pirates -ARRR Jim Lad - that be a good one

    @Maxi: Doesn't surprise you that Ireland is not considered corrupt?

  6. I am confused about the really important issue though - did we beat the UK???? Surely it can't be a staright tie :-)

  7. I didn't see any of the dictatorship countries on the list though...

  8. Oh never mind, I missed the link...

  9. No, not at all.

    Surely all the corruption of each country stays in their local media.

  10. @Conortje: I think there will be a penalty shootout

    @VE: They're there alright ! way down the list

    @Maxi: They survey so called 'experts' including financial institutions and businessmen inside and outside the countries to gather the rankings. Some of them must have very short term memories.

  11. i figured the US would be lower....

  12. I'm surprised at Italy coming in at 55th, I thought it would be worse. Seeing as how even the X Factor was rigged here :-)

  13. @ Matt: I think many people did

    @ Caro: I knew it was bad in Italy but I hadn't heard about the X-Factor debacle - rigged by producers and not the public no doubt

  14. I am staggered and upended! Australia the ninth most corrupt country in the world. C'mon who made this up! Then again it's based on 'perception' and we're a cynical bunch. AND that explains the US position.

  15. Baino - lol - no more Chardy for you - 9th LEAST corrupt out of 180!

  16. Hurra!! Happy to be a non-corrupt swede then!! I knew there had to be something good about this god forgotten cold country ;-)


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