Broken Promises

My news in brief since I've been a tad busy!

My 15 seconds of fame is officially over, although I managed to recruit 500 people so far to
a Facebook page thru this blog post (see FB page here <--) Despite my New Years resolutions I went out for food last night and ate 'STEAK' yet again - damn fine it was too! AND - I haven't been walking for two days so the exercise regimen is slipping but I put together three self assemble IKEA style cabinets with nothing more than a Swiss army knife (they call me McGyver) except I have cuts and bruises everywhere :-(

Busy planning for 'The Series of Events' beginning Jan 24th - 'Change is a Coming!' - Watch this space!

I'm still trying to get used to the political nature of the social networking tool known as 'Twitter' - i.e. If you don't follow me - I'll unfollow you - so there! Sometimes I genuinely don't get around to looking at who's following me so today a big wig of Irish Telecom unfollowed me cos I hadn't followed him - oops! -

Are you on Twitter yet?

Tags: ..Broken Promises..

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  1. You could call him. Reverse the charges of course.

  2. @ Primal: It would have been so much cheaper to DM him :-(

  3. No, I don't Twitter :-( Time, TIME, give me time! But congrats to your new design. I did wote (took time for that), and wow, those stats - impressive. Now you know how to get attention :-)

  4. Oh, do I loose you now? I'll come back anyway, haha

  5. Hiya
    you might want to change the colour of the writing below the title of your it is in white on a very light background it can´t be read..saludos desde Madrid

  6. Twitter? Unfollow? Pad, I have absolutely no idea what you're on about. But how could you not eat steak living where you do?!

  7. New to Twitter also. Could not care less if people unfollow me, unless I follow them.
    Their problem. ;-)

    Reminds me of a kids-blog tool my 10 year old was using, in which they could give a rating to eachother's blog. They would go over to eachother's site and say 'hey rate me 10, and I will rate you a 10 also'.

    My purpose on Twitter is to be able to communicate with a social group of people with similar interest as I have. I don't follow people unless if they meet that criterium.


  8. @ Fida: Thanks and no you didn't lose me - lol

    @ Diarmuid: Ta for the heads up - seems to be different browsers display it differently

    @ EM: You gotsta Twitter - you just gotsta!

    @ Peter: Good analogy - Yeah very child like alright with bullies in the school yard included

  9. I'm on twitter, but I don't use it.

    I don't want to know what I have to do in the course of a day, never mind anyone else.

  10. I like twitter, except for the litany of tweets like: I'm making a milkshake, It's raining outside, I think I'll go pee, etc. It a social circle-jerk, but much less fun that a real circle-jerk.

    I want some steak. A giant steak, rare, not cut into chopstick sized pieces.

  11. I did not even know there was writing under the blog title! I think it's the office computer though. I'll check when I get home and see.

    Don't you live in the LAND of steak? How can you resist??

  12. like english mum I'm baffled too :-) must be something for the young 'uns...

  13. I registered because I don't make enough time to blog...then didn't have time to be a twit.

  14. Follow no follow. I know one thing: People tend to just write and not comment.
    And I'm pretty tired of wasting my time there.
    I post from time to time and that's about it.

    Like on flickr & blogging, I comment at people's places once, twice and if nothing comes back "hasta la vista amigo" ;)

  15. Tried it didn't like it;

  16. @ Xbox: I don't spend much time on it but have gotten some good info now and then

    @ Stevo: the banal stuff irks me too - wish I could filter that out

    @ Megan: That's the problem I eat it 5 times a week!

    @ Conortje: google twitter my friend - it's all the rage!

    @ Queenie: yeah I know what you mean - finding time is not easy

    @ NicoleB: I like that it's a take it or leave it app - I've not really delved into Flickr but it's more for the photo peeps I guess

  17. Did you get anything from the 15 minutes of fame? Free t-shirts, drinks at the bar, etc...

  18. I'm on twitter. But the daily minutia postings don't really interest me. So I don't check it that much.

    I've been in Buenos Aires for two days. I've had two steak meals and have failed to even walk 5 blocks to the local gym to sign up for membership. What's for dinner with tomorrow's billiards outing? Draught beer or Malbec and steak?

  19. @ Broke: Yep - Free membership of the five mile high club and one free session of compulsive liar therapy

    @ TCL: All of the above!

  20. great new design. I love it!!! I'm on twitter: nomadicmatt

  21. Sampling a "Polish style" (shudder) Argentinian steak house tonight. Shall give you my verdict morrow.

  22. I am on twitter, But I really don't know how to take good use of it! yeah, I am not check it much, and I am using a Wordpress Plugin to post it automatically. :(

  23. I'm rationing my twitter. Otherwise I get nothing else done for hours and hours. It's been great for networking (even got named as a 'travel twitterer you should follow I think I'm following you...

  24. @ Matt: Thanks - yep following you too

    @ Shaunj: So how was it?

    @ iWalk: I use the auto post feature too

    @ Wandermom: Nice one on the elliot mention - yep following you too


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