Fifteen Seconds of Fame

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I'm just a humble little known blogger but any blogger that tells you they don't care about stats (number of visitors) is full of it. We all like to keep tabs on how many are visiting our blog and from where. It's a way of knowing what works and what doesn't.

I did a blog post a few months ago about a new BBC TV game show called 'Total Wipeout' that was being filmed in Buenos Aires. The TV show I blogged about debuted in the UK on Saturday Jan 3rd at 6pm. I had all but forgotten about it and was out for my daily walk. I came home and checked my email and then checked my blog stats (click graphic above).

WTF! - I'm famous! Must go now as need to find an agent to negotiate the book deal and movie that must be just around the corner!
Click here to see the post.

Tags: .Fifteen Seconds of Fame, Total Wipeout..

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  1. I had a week like that once when I embedded a video of a guy u-turning in a tunnel, it got hot linked by a couple of big time fora
    trouble is it returns to normal and it just ain't never the same

  2. Enjoy your moments of fame! ;-)


  3. I know a famous blogger! I know a famous blogger! (It's always about me, see.)


    I agree with Peter, enjoy the moment. I hope there's many more.

  4. Congratulations! How exciting! I plan to just a post entirely of Googlelicious words, just to see what it's like!

  5. Jeez, you get a lot more visits than me. But hey, who's counting? I'm not really jealous, honestly, cross my heart....

  6. Hehe, I love it when that happens. Even though NONE of them people leaves a comment.

    I have many people searching for stuff from Kuwait, but do you think ONE of them tells me if my stuff was helpful or just crap?

  7. saw the show...oh how I laughed.

  8. @ Roy:Yeah I know it won't last long - nice all the same

    @ Peter:Thanks - have to be grateful for the little things

    @ Megan:I'm a has-been already

    @ Miles:Thanks - let me know how it goes

    @ Nick:I might have more visitors but they don't stay very long and rarely comment!

    @ Nicole B:Yeah that gets a little frustrating - just leave a smiley face or some form of approval disapproval - pls!

  9. @ Xbox: I'm hoping I can download it - sshhhh - don't tell the Beeb!

  10. Great stuff. I love it when that happens.

  11. I wish my bank account looked like your stat counter.

  12. You jammy doger! Well I'm not in the least bit jealous. I'm quite happy with the 2 people who visit my site (admittedly one of them is me, and the other is... you, actually ;)

  13. That's your moment,Quickroute.

    And it will come again if you are a good boy.

    If you are good enough, It will come again and again! :)

  14. @ Stevo: Cheers - Ta

    @ Broke: yeah if only - I wish I could get a $ per visitor :-(

    @ C'est Le Craic: It's all about quality not quantity!

    @ iWalk: i hope you're right - thanks

  15. Seriously, I don't give a hoot about visits, in fact I recently discovered that I've lost my stat counter password! hehe . . congrats for the 15 minutes . . maybe you qualify for the Irish Blog Awards?

  16. Same thing happened me with google image search once, drove me insane.

    12,000 one second views

  17. @ Baino: Yer better off believe me - it becomes addictive after a while

    @ B: imagine if they all left comments - it would be impolite not to respond to each one!


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