Top 29 Cities for Men to Live in

A little diversionary post from me -, with apparently more than seven million readers a month worldwide, today announced the inaugural edition of its "Top 29 Cities for Men to Live In." Selection criteria for the top cities included, among other factors, the rate of employment, ratio of single women to men, frequency of cultural activities and sporting events and the cost of a pint of beer.

They used seven unique rating categories including: Dating & Sex, Sports & Entertainment, Culture, Fashion, Health, Power & Money and The Good Life. Cities earned points and elevated their rank on the list through an evaluation process that assessed several influential features, such as: the population of single, college-educated women, how late bars/clubs stay open, the presence of a reputable menswear-only store,  the rate of male heart disease, the cost of living and the occurrence of an annual international arts festival.


Agree or disagree? and where is your city (see below)

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1.      Chicago
2.      Barcelona
3.      San Francisco
4.      London
5.      Sydney
6.      New York
7.      Berlin
8.      Hong Kong
9.      Copenhagen
10.     Paris
11.     Vancouver
12.     Rome
13.     Buenos Aires
14.     Tokyo
15.     Toronto
16.     Miami
17.     Madrid
18.     Vienna
19.     Los Angeles
20.     Montreal
21.     Panama City
22.     Portland
23.     Lyon
24.     Melbourne
25.     Tel Aviv
26.     Santiago
27.     Cape Town
28.     Hamburg
29.     Edinburgh

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Unknown March 31, 2009 10:53 am  

Does this mean that all us single girls should move to Edinburgh because there is a better ratio of single men to women ...and at least the pubs will throw your future boyfriend out a little bit earlier?! ;o)

Baino March 31, 2009 3:55 pm  

Ha! We're five on the list. Must be for the beer! Can't speak for Chicago since I've never been there but I know a few men who love it!

Martin March 31, 2009 3:59 pm  

Been threatening a visit to Chicago for a while now, but how in the name of all that's holy did a jocko city get on the list?

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) April 01, 2009 1:36 pm  

@ Gwynaeth: LOL - reverse physchology - very smart!

@ Baino: I've been in Chicago twice but no idea why it's numero uno?

@ Xbox: worth a visit but yeah beats me too

nick April 02, 2009 4:37 am  

Went to Chicago last year and loved it, but I wasn't looking at it as a man's city so no comment on that. In any case their criteria would be rather different from mine as a totally untypical male. Beer and sport? No thanks.

No sign of Belfast I see. Quite a good city for the average bloke, I would have thought.

Anonymous,  April 02, 2009 4:57 am  

Why 29? it seems somewhat random, no?

Merry April 02, 2009 7:11 am  

This is interesting and useful way to rank the cities. My city is unfortunately at the bottom of the list, but what to expect from the state in transition. I hope the situation will be better soon.

iWalk April 02, 2009 12:07 pm  

I thought the no.1 should be San Francisco. Haha, It's No.2.

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) April 02, 2009 12:27 pm  

@ Nick: Yeah I guess the votes are a bit skewed in favour of US experiences

@ conortje: It's a magical number which has little or no significance

@ Merry: Welcome - I disagree with Edinburgh being bottom of the list but at least it made the list

@ iWalk: San Fran - no shortage of men there for sure ;-)

Megan April 03, 2009 1:45 am  

I never would have guessed Chicago in a million years.

Shaunj April 04, 2009 11:08 am  

I'm not single but I think Kraków has been very hard done by for not even getting a mention.

Particularly wondrous in the first warm glows of spring.

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) April 04, 2009 12:16 pm  

@ Megan: Me Neither - strange choice

@ Shaunj: There are a lot of cities missing in my book - ah eastern europe in the spring!

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