I found a cheap flight to Singapore (for u$d150 return) out of Maccau which is an old Portugese colony and about an hour ferry ride from Hong Kong. Considering it's Easter weekend that's a great deal. Singapore has a bit of a reputation for being sterile and strict but I haven't really noticed that too much on this or my last visit. It is not as scenic as Hong Kong but then again few places are.
The food in Singapore is fantastic and I sampled the renowned Tian Tian Chicken Rice supposedly the best in the country. It was good but I preferred the Malaysian version in KL. Alcohol is expensive especially wine and liquor. It's hot and humid here year round so the dress code is more relaxed with sorts and tee-shirt the norm and rarely jackets for business.
There is a big expat community and fairly young (late twenties early thirties) so quite an energetic youthful buzz to the place. They like to party here and there's no shortage of establishments to satisfy all tastes and desires including the 'four floors of whores' which is an entertainment complex (Orchard Towers, 400 Orchard Road) where apparently there are four floors with different bars and clubs but all offering one thing - Yup, it's a meat market where prostitutes offer their wares. Strangely enough prostitution is legal here but you can be arrested for spitting on the street or jaywalking and chewing gum is a big NO-NO!Tags: ..4 Four Floors of Whores Singapore 400 Orchard road rd..
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What a misleading title. I object your honour.
@ Maxi: 5 floors of whores would be misleading! 4 is the magic number!
wow, 150 bucks. i didn't know there was a big and young expat community there. that's great. costa rica and guatemala is mainly middle aged people and retirees.
The Travel Expert(a) and an Expat with a Twist
Lots of bankers imagine. Plus great beaches in the south of Malaysia.
How did the missus enjoy the sight of all four floors of ladies of the night?
Is it still illegal to have long hair as well? Oh and can I have a cutting from your money tree please?
@ Marina: yeah Costa Rica kind of reminded me of Florida with the blue rinse crew
@ TCL: Big finance community alright - the missus arrives next week and I only heard of the 4 floors so no first hand experience!
@ Baino: Long hair is now permitted - sorry my money tree was burnt in a bush fire long ago!
I like the relaxed dress code. A pity we can't have that here, because of the absurd idea that only someone in a suit knows what they're doing. Bizarre that whores are legal but spitting on the street and jaywalking aren't. I suppose the tourists want the whores but don't like people spitting everywhere.
I approve the relaxed dress code as well.
The only legal brothels here are in Nevada. They were in the news recently because in order to raise more money, the state has decided to hit them with an extra tax...
@ Nick: you have no idea how stupid I think the whole best dressed = importance BS is
@ Megan: Even hookers have to cough up for the bail out!
Never been, but have a friend that fell in love with the place.
Four floors of whores (say that 5-times fast) would be something to see.
less photos of food, more of those 5 floors...
and here I am jealous again - I spent the weekend writing my dissertation :-)
And I thought 4 is an unlucky number in Asia?
4 flours...that's a lot of girls,...darn.
What's jaywalking? I heard it before, but I can't place it.
So you can stick things in a prostitute and not be arrested, but you'll be jailed for spitting on her?
Yeah, 4 is not a lucky number in China. You can see many hotels here has no room number end with 4. :)
Your Tian Tian Chicken Rice looks like HaiNan Chicken Rice, which is one of my favorite. :)
That chicken rice looks fantastic. I really need to travel to Asia. My friend went to Japan not long ago and he raves about it.
@ Stevo: Quite a tongue twister!
@ Matt: this vlog is not yet rated PG
@ Conortje: You'll soon be done and on your travels
@ Nicole B: definitely unlucky for some !
@ Broke: Bizzarre but true
@ Iwalk: Interestingly I live in apt 4F on the 4th floor ;-(
@ Sully: Different world out here for sure
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