Vietnam - Ho Chi Min City - Hanoi City

From Phnom Penh we headed south and crossed the border into Vietnam where we arrived at Ho Chi Min City. HCMC is just a blur of motorbikes on the roads scattering like ants in bizarre sort of ordered chaos. I'd already spent a long weekend here back in April so I'll revert to the photos and previous post here

Ho Chi Min City

As we flew from HCMC to Hanoi in the north an unfortunate theme started to emerge. Quite a few locals were throwing up on the plane despite the smooth flight. As we jumped into a shared minibus the driver handed out puke bags for the 45 minute trip to the city centre. Sure enough, three locals serenaded us with a chorus of gut wrenching and stomach churning and dutifully filled their bags to the brim. As the waft of vomit filled the minbus another local would tag the next culprit to continue the game of puke dominoes.

The weather turned sour on us in Hanoi and threatened to cut the trip short as most of SE Asia was a wash out but after waiting a few days as the heavens poured down we took a gamble to move on to Laos. The gamble paid off but unfortunately the puke theme stuck with us a while longer. More on that cheerful topic next post.

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Hanoi City

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Baino July 25, 2009 10:24 pm  

Great photos! The produce is incredible and the amount of stuff they can fit on a bicycle! I hope the Hanoi Belly doesn't get you though!

Ed & Jeanne July 26, 2009 1:09 pm  

You certainly are getting around! I know Taiwan had a lot of motorcycles and scooters but I've hear this place outdoes it by far.

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) July 27, 2009 5:24 am  

@ Baino: Thanks - luckily my belly has been fine except for expanding

@ VE: Yeah it's amazing there aren't more accidents with the sheer volume of traffic but somehow they avoid each other

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