Macau, China
We paid u$d100 for a flight from Bangkok to Macau with just 16 hours notice - damn cheap!
Interestingly enough, Macau was both the first and last European colony in China. It was the Portuguese who first settled in Macau back in the 16th century and subsequently administered it until the handover in 1999. It has a similar status to Hong Kong since it has a certain degree of autonomy for 50 years after the handover. What happens after the 50 years is anyones guess but China will probably rule the world by then and we'll all be part of the communist party except that former rogue superpower, the USA which will be a socialist old people killer dictatorship!
There still is a certain Portugese feel to the place with Portuguese road signs and cuisine. Apparently it's one of the richest cities in the world with a thriving textile, electronics and tourist industry. The other big draw for the tourists is gambling with a long strip of casinos where reportedly more money changes hands than in Las Vegas (The Chinese LOVE to gamble).
If you've been to Vegas you might be a little disappointed here however as although it has bright lights and casinos galore, it lacks the buzz and excitement of the real McCoy. A lot of mainland Chinese come here to buy 'real' goods since the fakes are so prevalent back in China. We saw people buying suitcases full of baby powder milk. I assume they don't trust the powdered milk in China and who could blame them after the poisoned batch killed so many poor kids.

We got to check out the latest Cirque du Soleil show 'Zaia' while we were there which was ok but I have to say I'm getting a bit bored with the repetition in those shows (contortionist, clown, acrobat...zzzzZZZZZZ!)
Well my friends, that is the end of the South East Asia trip so were back to reality in Hong Kong now. Hope you enjoyed traveling vicariously thru us and I'll try and post a highlights / recap just to bore you senseless shortly.

Interestingly enough, Macau was both the first and last European colony in China. It was the Portuguese who first settled in Macau back in the 16th century and subsequently administered it until the handover in 1999. It has a similar status to Hong Kong since it has a certain degree of autonomy for 50 years after the handover. What happens after the 50 years is anyones guess but China will probably rule the world by then and we'll all be part of the communist party except that former rogue superpower, the USA which will be a socialist old people killer dictatorship!
There still is a certain Portugese feel to the place with Portuguese road signs and cuisine. Apparently it's one of the richest cities in the world with a thriving textile, electronics and tourist industry. The other big draw for the tourists is gambling with a long strip of casinos where reportedly more money changes hands than in Las Vegas (The Chinese LOVE to gamble).
If you've been to Vegas you might be a little disappointed here however as although it has bright lights and casinos galore, it lacks the buzz and excitement of the real McCoy. A lot of mainland Chinese come here to buy 'real' goods since the fakes are so prevalent back in China. We saw people buying suitcases full of baby powder milk. I assume they don't trust the powdered milk in China and who could blame them after the poisoned batch killed so many poor kids.

We got to check out the latest Cirque du Soleil show 'Zaia' while we were there which was ok but I have to say I'm getting a bit bored with the repetition in those shows (contortionist, clown, acrobat...zzzzZZZZZZ!)
Well my friends, that is the end of the South East Asia trip so were back to reality in Hong Kong now. Hope you enjoyed traveling vicariously thru us and I'll try and post a highlights / recap just to bore you senseless shortly.
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Tags: .Macau, China..
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So presumably everyone's gambling on whether Macau will stay independent or be swallowed up by China....
@ Nick: maybe true - I reckon it'll be swallowed but I don't know by what i.e. what will China be like in 40 years given how it's changed so much in the last 10 years
End of a good trip is always an upsetting feeling. Been feeling a bit of the blues after traveling in Brazil for the last couple weeks.
At least you missed the big typhoon!
that looks super super cool
I agree with you re Cirque du Soleil. I've seen about six now and the last couple didn't do it for me. I think the remarkable acrobatics and theatrics etc have been replaced by a sense that I've seen it all before and kind of know what's coming.
@ TCL: yes - it's sad but at least no more 24 bus journeys for a while.
@ Xbox: yeah it's not too shabby
@ TravelWonders: yep - too predictable - been there - done that
Looks like hubby and I would have a bunch of fun there :)
Maybe one day :)
Funny about Macau: Portugal tried to give it back to China numerous times, and China said, "Later." Unlike Hong Kong, Portugal did give all Macau citizens an EU passport before the handover.
It's right across the river and I've never been. I've meant too... Perhaps this fall.
It might be over for now but what a trip! I don't think I could ever be bored by Cirque du Soliel. I've seen four but they're so infrequent (every couple of years ) that I enjoy the new ones nonetheless. Glad you arrived home in one piece. So what now?
@ Nicole: it's worth a day trip at least
@ Stevo: I never knew they gave peeps the EU visa - good for them
@ Baino: What now? - that is the BIG question
how do you always manage to get cheap flights??
@ Conortje: I'll sell my soul to the devil for a cheap seat!
Nice. Vegas is just a sleaze bag gaff in a desert, I believe Macau has it's sleazy side too (friend in Hong-Kong had his stag there, I was not in attendance), but at least it isn't populated by old people killers ;-)
@ Thrifty: If you weren't impressed by Vegas you'll find this even less appealing except for the seedy side!
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