Hotel Best Rate Guarantee

Numerous hotels and travel booking sites offer a best rate guarantee (BRG). If you find a cheaper price than what you booked they will offer a refund of the difference and credit towards future stays.   The BRG is open to a hack/abuse as follows:

Today, Dan's Deals had a post on how to get a free night at the Holiday Inn Express in Times Square, New York using the BRG and then TravelBloggerBuzz posted about an NBC news article where Mike, a travel hacker exploits a similar guarantee by Expedia to rack up $50 credit vouchers to the tune of $1800 every year.  There is even a blog dedicated to finding and publishing how you can exploit the BRG here
I've not used this nor am I planning to and I'm pretty sure having this hack advertised on NBC will likely be a bad thing for those genuinely trying to get a one-off matched rate. Maybe I'm finally developing a sense of morality. Thoughts?

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Gary S,  March 15, 2013 8:53 pm  

Thanks for this. Just took travel hacking to another level.

Rapid Travel Chai March 15, 2013 11:11 pm  

One of those things I have seen at times and never gotten to the point where I feel like it is worth all the effort. Good for people who get their kicks this way.

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) March 16, 2013 7:52 pm  

@ Gary: Thanks for visiting the wee blog

@ RTC: Agreed it's a lot of work for the rewards

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